May 29

13 things you should never do in Europe


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Things You Should Never Do in Europe

1. Don’t Assume Everyone Speaks English

Europe is a tapestry of languages. While many Europeans speak English, learning basic phrases in the local language is courteous. Hello, please, and thank you, it can go a long way. Show some effort; it will be appreciated.

2. Avoid Public Drunkenness

Different countries have different attitudes towards alcohol. However, stumbling around the streets intoxicated isn’t endearing anywhere. Enjoy responsibly, and if you overindulge, take a cab. Let’s avoid becoming a public spectacle.

3. Don’t Expect Free Water at Restaurants

Unlike in the US, many European restaurants charge for water. When in Rome, do as Romans do—ask for tap water or be ready to pay for bottled. It’s just part of the dining experience here.

4. Don’t Over-Tip

Tipping culture varies. For example, in France and Italy, service charges are often included. A small tip shows appreciation, but overtipping might seem odd or unnecessary. When in doubt, consult a local or a guidebook.

5. Avoid Standing on the Left on Escalators

This is a big one! In places like London, always stand on the right side of an escalator. The left side is for those in a hurry. Blocking the way is a surefire way to annoy locals. Trust me, you don’t want to start your day with a grumpy stare.

6. Don’t Flash Too Much Cash

Europe has its share of pickpockets, especially in tourist-heavy areas. Carry only what you need and use a money belt or inner pockets. Let’s keep your trip memorable for the right reasons.

7. Don’t Ignore Local Dining Etiquette

In Spain, lunch might start at 2 PM, and in Italy, asking for ketchup with your pasta is rude. Learn a bit about local dining habits to avoid awkward moments. You’ll find it fascinating and delicious, I promise.

8. Don’t Drive Without Understanding the Rules

Each country has distinct traffic rules. In some places, flashing headlights mean I’m coming through! Study the rules before renting a car. You don’t want your vacation to include a driving ticket.

9. Avoid Over-Planning Your Day

European cities are best enjoyed at a leisurely pace. Allow time to wander and experience unexpected delights. It’s the café you stumble upon that often creates the best memories.

10. Don’t Disregard Public Transport Etiquette

Trains and buses are lifelines. Queue patiently, offer seats to the elderly and be aware of your volume. Being polite and considerate makes everyone’s day better.

11. Never Underestimate the Power of a Smile

This is universal: smiles break barriers. A genuine smile can overcome language and cultural differences, making travel experiences richer and more rewarding.

12. Don’t Dress Disrespectfully in Church

Many of Europe’s historical sites are places of worship. Dress respectfully, covering shoulders and knees when entering churches. It’s about honoring the local customs and respecting their sacred places.

13. Don’t Make Assumptions

Europe is incredibly diverse. Avoid making broad assumptions about cultures or people. Keep an open mind, be curious, and ask questions. You’re there to learn and experience something new!

These tips will help you blend in seamlessly and enjoy Europe’s richness. Bon voyage!


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