October 24

Luvo Ntezo, South African Top Sommelier on Where to find the best wine at the most underrated wine regions in South Africa


Grapes – Vineyards, South Africa

Luvo Ntezo, one of the South African´s top sommelier told Meredith Carey from Condé Nast Traveler about how he become one of the South African’s top sommelier from swimming pool attendant.

It was one of “Fortunate” Sunday he called it, when one of the guest ordered a bottle of wine, while all the bartender was busy. He could not open the bottle since he used to served “Opened” bottle to the guest. Passionately, the guest offered help to open the bottle, and since then he grew the passion in wine.

He went and work with South Africans winemakers John Loubser, and Herman Hanekon, the cellarmaster, who were incredibly, hospitably kind to him. Not like most other Sommelier, Luvo Ntezo started the his passion in wine from grapes and dirt, while the other from tasting it.

He is now the Head Sommelier of one respective Resort in Cape Town, South Africa One&Only Camp Town.

Find out what he got to says about where to find best wine in South Africa…

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